
Cross-validation #

In the course of cross-validation, the data is repeatedly partitioned into training and validation data. The model is fit to the training data and the validation data is used to calculate the prediction error. This in turn enables us to identify the values of \(\lambda\) and \(\alpha\) that optimize predictive performance (i.e., minimize the estimated mean-squared prediction error).

cvlasso supports \(K\) -fold cross-validation and \(h\) -step ahead rolling cross-validation. The latter is intended for time-series or panel data with a large time dimension. \(h\) -step ahead rolling cross-validation was suggested by Rob H Hyndman in a blog post.

K-fold cross-validation #

We begin with 10-fold cross-validation (the default). If no fold variable is specified (which can be done using the foldvar() option), the data is randomly partitioned into “folds”.

We use seed(123) throughout this demonstration to allow reproducing the outputs below.

. cvlasso lpsa lcavol lweight age lbph svi lcp gleason pgg45, seed(123)

K-fold cross-validation with 10 folds. Elastic net with alpha=1.
Fold 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
	  |         Lambda           MSPE       st. dev.
	 1|      163.62492      1.3162136      .13064798 
	 2|      149.08894      1.2141972      .12282686 
	 3|      135.84429       1.114079      .11387635
    17|      36.930468       .5827423      .06260056  ^ 
    27|      14.566138      .53408884      .05830419  *
   100|      .01636249      .54838029      .07390164 
* lopt = the lambda that minimizes MSPE.
  Run model: cvlasso, lopt
^ lse = largest lambda for which MSPE is within one standard error of the minimal MSPE.
  Run model: cvlasso, lse

Note that parts of the output have been omitted for the sake of brevity. The columns 2 to 4 show the value of \(\lambda\) , the estimate of the mean-squared prediction error and the associated standard error.

The \(\lambda\) value that minimizes the mean-squared prediction error is indicated by an asterisk (*). A hat (^) marks the largest \(\lambda\) at which the MSPE is within one standard error of the minimal MSPE. We denote these by \(\lambda_{lopt}\) and \(\lambda_{lse}\) , respectively. The former is returned in e(lopt), the latter in e(lse).

. di e(lopt)

. di e(lse)

Estimate the selected model #

To estimate the full model with either \(\lambda_{lopt}\) or \(\lambda_{lse}\) , we can use lopt or lse. Internally, cvlasso calls lasso2 with either lambda(14.566138) or lambda(36.930468).

. cvlasso lpsa lcavol lweight age lbph svi lcp gleason pgg45, lopt seed(123)
. cvlasso lpsa lcavol lweight age lbph svi lcp gleason pgg45, lse seed(123)

The same as above can be achieved using the replay syntax in two steps.

. cvlasso lpsa lcavol lweight age lbph svi lcp gleason pgg45, seed(123)
. cvlasso, lopt
. cvlasso, lse

If postest is specified, cvlasso posts the lasso2 estimation results.

. cvlasso, lopt postest
. ereturn list

K-fold cross-validation over lambda and alpha #

alpha() can be a scalar or list of elastic net parameters. Each \(\alpha\) value must lie in the interval [0,1]. If alpha() is a list longer than one, cvlasso cross-validates over \(\lambda\) and \(\alpha\) .

. cvlasso lpsa lcavol lweight age lbph svi lcp gleason pgg45, ///
          alpha(0 0.1 0.5 1) seed(123)

Cross-validation over alpha (0 .1 .5 1).
	 alpha | lopt*        Minimum MSPE
	 0.000 | 12.093063    .54348993
	 0.100 | 25.454739     .5418149
	 0.500 | 15.986318    .53499607
	 1.000 | 14.566138    .53408884  #
* lambda value that minimizes MSPE for a given alpha
# alpha value that minimizes MSPE

The second column in the table indicates the value of \(\lambda\) that minimizes the MSPE for a given value of \(\alpha\) . A hash key (#) indicates that value of \(\alpha\) that minimizes the overall MSPE.

Plotting #

We can plot the estimated mean-squared prediction error over \(\lambda\) . Note that the plotting feature is not supported if we also cross-validate over \(\alpha\) .

. cvlasso lpsa lcavol lweight age lbph svi lcp gleason pgg45, seed(123) plotcv

This produces the following graph:

The two vertical lines indicate \(\lambda_{lopt}\) and \(\lambda_{lse}\) (dashed line).

Similar to lasso2, cvlasso allows to pass plotting options on to Stata’s line using plotopt().

Prediction #

The predict postestimation command allows to obtain predicted values and residuals for either e(lopt) or e(lse).

. cvlasso lpsa lcavol lweight age lbph svi lcp gleason pgg45, seed(123)
. cap drop xbhat1
. predict double xbhat1, lopt

. cvlasso lpsa lcavol lweight age lbph svi lcp gleason pgg45, seed(123)
. cap drop xbhat2
. predict double xbhat2, lse

Store intermediate steps #

cvlasso calls lasso2 internally. The saveest(string) allows to access intermediate estimation results.

. cvlasso lpsa lcavol lweight age lbph svi lcp gleason pgg45, ///
	  seed(123) nfolds(3) saveest(step)
. estimates dir
. estimates restore step1
. estimates replay step1

Note: EBIC and \(R^2\) are not calculated to speed up the computation.

Time-series example using rolling h-step ahead cross-validation #

Load airline passenger data:

. webuse air2, clear

There are 144 observations in the sample. origin() controls the sample range used for training and validation. In this example, origin(130) implies that data up to and including \(t=130\) are used for training in the first iteration. Data points \(t=131,...,144\) are successively used for validation.

. cvlasso air L(1/12).air, rolling origin(130)
Rolling forecasting cross-validation with 1-step ahead forecasts. Elastic net with alpha=1.
Training from-to (validation point): 13-130 (131), 13-131 (132), 13-132 (133), 13-133 (134),
> 13-134 (135), 13-135 (136), 13-136 (137), 13-137 (138), 13-138 (139), 13-139 (140), 
> 13-140 (141), 13-141 (142), 13-142 (143), 13-143 (144).

The notation a-b (v) indicates that data a to b are used for estimation (training), and data point v is used for forecasting (validation). Note that the training dataset starts with \(t=13\) since 12 lags are used as predictors.

The “optimal” model includes lags 1, 11 and 12.

. cvlasso, lopt
Estimate lasso with lambda=315.16 (lopt).

	 Selected |           Lasso   Post-est OLS
	      air |
	      L1. |       0.1534004      0.1610229
	     L11. |       0.0638066      0.0724006
	     L12. |       0.8422566      0.8374074
	    _cons |      11.5075093      8.2797832

The option h() controls the forecasting horizon (default is h(1)).

. cvlasso air L(1/12).air, rolling origin(130) h(2)
Rolling forecasting cross-validation with 2-step ahead forecasts. Elastic net with alpha=1.
Training from-to (validation point): 13-130 (132), 13-131 (133), 13-132 (134), 13-133 (135),
> 13-134 (136), 13-135 (137), 13-136 (138), 13-137 (139), 13-138 (140), 13-139 (141), 
> 13-140 (142), 13-141 (143), 13-142 (144).

In the above examples, the size of the training dataset increases by one data point each step. To keep the size of the training dataset fixed, specify fixedwindow.

. cvlasso air L(1/12).air, rolling origin(130) fixedwindow
Rolling forecasting cross-validation with 1-step ahead forecasts. Elastic net with alpha=1.
Training from-to (validation point): 13-130 (131), 14-131 (132), 15-132 (133), 16-133 (134),
> 17-134 (135), 18-135 (136), 19-136 (137), 20-137 (138), 21-138 (139), 22-139 (140), 
> 23-140 (141), 24-141 (142), 25-142 (143), 26-143 (144).

Panel data example using rolling h-step ahead cross-validation #

Rolling cross-validation can also be applied to panel data. For demonstration, load Grunfeld data.

. webuse grunfeld, clear

Apply 1-step ahead cross-validation.

. cvlasso mvalue L(1/10).mvalue, rolling origin(1950)
Rolling forecasting cross-validation with 1-step ahead forecasts. Elastic net with alpha=1.
Training from-to (validation point): 1945-1950 (1951), 1945-1951 (1952), 1945-1952 (1953), 
> 1945-1953 (1954).

The model selected by cross-validation:

. cvlasso, lopt
Estimate lasso with lambda=4828.76 (lopt).

	 Selected |           Lasso   Post-est OLS
	   mvalue |
	      L1. |       0.7289970      0.7343915
	      L5. |       0.1181815      0.1239170
	      L7. |       0.0027785      0.0062233
	      L8. |       0.0613727      0.0647928
	      L9. |       0.1014168      0.1031103
	    _cons |      42.6792365     21.8393696

More #

Please check the help file for more information and examples.

. help cvlasso