Interactive IV

Interactive IV Model #

Preparations #

We load the data, define global macros and set the seed.

. use,clear
. global Y earnings
. global D training
. global Z assignmt
. global X sex age married black hispanic
. set seed 42

Step 1: Initialization #

We initialize the model.

. ddml init interactiveiv, kfolds(5)

Step 2: Add learners #

We use stacking (implemented in pystacked) with two base learners for each reduced form equation.

. ddml E[Y|X,Z]: pystacked $Y c.($X)# #c($X), type(reg) m(ols lassocv)
Learner Y1_pystacked added successfully.

. ddml E[D|X,Z]: pystacked $D c.($X)# #c($X), type(class) m(logit lassocv)
Learner D1_pystacked added successfully.

. ddml E[Z|X]: pystacked $Z c.($X)# #c($X), type(class) m(logit lassocv)
Learner Z1_pystacked added successfully.

Step 3-4: Cross-fitting and estimation. #

. ddml crossfit
Cross-fitting E[y|X,Z] equation: earnings
Cross-fitting fold 1 2 3 4 5 ...completed cross-fitting
Cross-fitting E[D|X,Z] equation: training
Cross-fitting fold 1 2 3 4 5 ...completed cross-fitting
Cross-fitting E[Z|X]: assignmt
Cross-fitting fold 1 2 3 4 5 ...completed cross-fitting

. ddml estimate

DDML estimation results (LATE):
spec  r    Y0 learner    Y1 learner    D0 learner    D1 learner         b        SE     Z learner
 opt  1  Y1_pystacked  Y1_pystacked  D1_pystacked  D1_pystacked  1817.206 (512.772)  Z1_pystacked
opt = minimum MSE specification for that resample.

E[y|X,D=0]   = Y1_pystacked0_1                     Number of obs   =     11204
E[y|X,D=1]   = Y1_pystacked1_1
E[D|X,Z=0]   = D1_pystacked0_1
E[D|X,Z=1]   = D1_pystacked1_1
E[Z|X]       = Z1_pystacked_1
             |               Robust
    earnings | Coefficient  std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
    training |   1817.206   512.7723     3.54   0.000     812.1911    2822.221

Short-stacking #

If we wanted to short-stack instead of stack, we proceed as follows.


. set seed 42
. ddml init interactiveiv, kfolds(5)
warning - model m0 already exists
all existing model results and variables will
be dropped and model m0 will be re-initialized

Adding base learners:

. ddml E[Y|X,Z]: reg $Y $X
Learner Y1_reg added successfully.
. ddml E[Y|X,Z]: pystacked $Y c.($X)# #c($X), type(reg) m(lassocv)
Learner Y2_pystacked added successfully.
. ddml E[D|X,Z]: logit $D $X
Learner D1_logit added successfully.
. ddml E[D|X,Z]: pystacked $D c.($X)# #c($X), type(class) m(lassocv)
Learner D2_pystacked added successfully.
. ddml E[Z|X]: logit $Z $X
Learner Z1_logit added successfully.
. ddml E[Z|X]: pystacked $Z c.($X)# #c($X), type(class) m(lassocv)
Learner Z2_pystacked added successfully.

Cross-fitting with shortstack option:

. ddml crossfit, shortstack
Cross-fitting E[y|X,Z] equation: earnings
Cross-fitting fold 1 2 3 4 5 ...completed cross-fitting...completed short-stacking
Cross-fitting E[D|X,Z] equation: training
Cross-fitting fold 1 2 3 4 5 ...completed cross-fitting...completed short-stacking
Cross-fitting E[Z|X]: assignmt
Cross-fitting fold 1 2 3 4 5 ...completed cross-fitting...completed short-stacking

Estimation stage:

. ddml estimate, robust

DDML estimation results (LATE):
spec  r    Y0 learner    Y1 learner    D0 learner    D1 learner         b        SE     Z learner
 opt  1  Y2_pystacked  Y2_pystacked      D1_logit  D2_pystacked  1824.422 (514.303)  Z2_pystacked
  ss  1  [shortstack]          [ss]          [ss]          [ss]  1818.488 (513.133)          [ss]
opt = minimum MSE specification for that resample.

Shortstack DDML model (LATE)
E[y|X,D=0]   = earnings_ss0_1                      Number of obs   =     11204
E[y|X,D=1]   = earnings_ss1_1
E[D|X,Z=0]   = training_ss0_1
E[D|X,Z=1]   = training_ss1_1
E[Z|X]       = assignmt_ss_1
             |               Robust
    earnings | Coefficient  std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
    training |   1818.488    513.133     3.54   0.000     812.7663    2824.211